Love and Sex Medicine E-Book

It touches the heart and soul deeply. This is a must read for all those that want to deepen their relationships with their partners and families and reach that true state of bliss where the heart opens widely.
This is a visionary book on love and how it can manifest in personal relationships and marriage. It opens a vista onto possibilities and potentials for love; but most importantly, it offers a ‘quality’of love that most of us need, want and dream of, a pure love that will touch our souls. What we are after is a type of love that comes from the depths of our hearts and leads to a lightness of beingthat can be shared with others. A kind of love that leads to a day to day communion with each other on the deepest levels of authenticity, vulnerability and being.
This is a book on love and how it can manifest in personal relationships and marriage. It is also about sex and how that needs to play out for healthy and happy existence whether one is married or not. These writings arefor patients, doctors and therapists who need to learn more about how important love is in healing, medicine and therapy. Love is not just for the bedroom with one’s partner it’s for everyone all the time.